Memoirs of a Porcelain Doll

{February 27, 2013}   Christina’s Final Goodbye!

At least three deeply felt learnings from this program


A deep felt learning that I am taking with me is children need learning experiences that culturally authentic. Throughout every course that was presented, this fact was continuously reinforced because the astronomical change in demographics the United States is now experiencing. Educators should be acknowledgeable of this change by changing their curriculums to accommodate diverse learners by using photographs, persona dolls, and children’s literature,


Another key point for me was children do internalize messages about what society values and does not value; therefore, educators need to counteract these messages by acknowledging children’s biases or misconceptions. Educators can acknowledge children’s misconceptions by using persona dolls. Persona dolls can encourage children to talk about their concerns openly without fear or reservations


The last point that I learned is that children learn best in play based curriculums; play is an essential part of childhood, and children in most early learning programs are not receiving adequate play experiences. Play strengthens cognitive and social development by allowing children to adopt different social roles; in the same vein, children also become problem solvers, and learn to take turns and share.


At least one long-term goal

A long term goal that I have is to pursue my doctorate degree in early childhood education at Walden University.


A farewell message to your Instructor and colleagues (consider uploading a video or audio podcast)


To my colleagues, I cannot believe that this is the end of our journey; I am quite sad about it, but I am extremely glad that it is over; I wish everyone the best in all their endeavors. I encourage each and every one of my colleagues to “be the change that they want to see in the world.” To Dr. Teri Davis, you’re a wonderful instructor, and I enjoyed your both times that I had you at Walden; you are dedicated to helping your students, and I wish you continued success at Walden!


Goodbye everyone!!!!!! Many blessings!


Contact information:

Quotes by Maria Montessori

The hands are the instruments of man’s intelligence.”
“The human hand allows the minds to reveal itself.”
“To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely.”
“The child’s progress does not depend only on his age, but also on being free to look around him.”
“Free choice is one of the highest of all the mental processes.”
“The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, “The children are now working as if I did not exist.”

At least three international organizations or communities of practice that appealed to you and why you chose them

Save the Children is an organization that appealed to me because of its superb commitment to help children and families that have been devastated by natural disaster. I chose them because of their values and the strategies they use to eradicate disaster in the lives of young children and families; their values are accountability; Save the Children is committed to taking full accountability for the using their resources efficiently, and receiving measurable results. They also believe in taking accountability to supporters, organizations, and most importantly, families. Ambition is another core value; Save the Children is an organization that thrives for the best with themselves and their colleagues; they are committed to improving the quality experiences for children universally. Collaboration and creativity are also core values; Improving the lives of children can only be achieved through collaborated efforts; therefore, Save the Children is committed to respecting and valuing their partners through an united effort; in the same vein improving the lives of children can only be accomplished through new ideas and innovations; therefore, Save the Children is committed to remaining creative to achieve these attempts.


A job that interests me but is currently not available is working as an assistant alongside the director of Global Workforce Learning /Save the Children. The skills that I would need to perform this job is superb verbal and nonverbal skills, leadership skills, and conflict resolution skills that can help resolve conflicts that families, communities, and governments encounter; candidates should have adequate experience working with young children and their families.


UNICEF is another organization that I chose; this organization appealed to me because UNICEF is an organization that changes the experiences of young children and their families universally; every child is recognized;  quite simply, with UNICEF’s help the effects of disease, poverty, violence, and discrimination are removed from the paths of young children’s paths; I also chose this organization because UNICEF’s focus is focused on the beginnings of life, where proper care is the most essential. I also chose this organization because they are committed to educating girls; when girls are educated everyone benefits.


A job that interests me that has been posted by the UNICEF’s site is a chief child protector/protection; the position requires applicants to maintain strong relationships with other government stakeholders and civil society partners and ensure that child protection services are incorporated and fulfilled in the UN Program framework. Applicants must promote UNICEF global goals and have distinct knowledge management abilities.


The skills or qualifications that successful candidates must have are an advanced university degree preferably in social or political sciences or law, and ten years professional or work experience at national or international levels that pertain to the area of child protection.


The final organization that I chose is International Step by Step Association. I chose this organization because it is an organization that connects educators and organizations that specialize in the early childhood field together as a unit; I also chose this organization because it emphasizes early child care for all children; the International Step by Step Association also influences policy reform for families and children; this fact appealed to me because the effect that educational policies have on young children and families cannot be ignored.


A job opportunity that I am interested in that is not currently available is an early childhood educator’s position in Kosovo under the guardianship of Hana Zylfiu- Ha-Ziri. In order to work at this location, the specific skills/qualifications that I would have are an advanced degree (Master’s degree in education) licensure, and competency in child development, early readiness, and cultural similarities and differences; I also must be able to speak the language in this geographic location.


{February 1, 2013}   Communities of Practice

At least three national/federal organizations or communities of practice that appealed to you and why you chose them

Job opportunities (currently available or not) that interest you

Skills and experience you would need to competently fulfill each of these roles


The first community of practice that I scrutinized is governed by the National Association of Agricultural Educators; the Association’s mission is to connect agricultural stakeholders together to share ideas and resources. The Vet Science community of practice was the first community of practice that appealed to me because I have a strong admiration for animals; secretly, veterinary medicine is my passion, but I was too intimated by the field’s educational requirements to pursue it. As I perused the online community, I noticed that participating stakeholders exchanged Veterinary concepts, instructional guides and assessments, and projects ideas for veterinary curriculums.

A job opportunity that currently interests me, but is not currently available is teaching veterinary medicine. Job requirements for teaching veterinary medicine at the University of Florida are: applicants must be a Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine from an accredited college of veterinary medicine; in addition, applicants also must meet licensing requirements, and pass the North American Veterinary Licensing Exam. Although certification is not a requirement, it is specialty that is highly esteemed by the university. Adequate work experience is also advantageous.

The second community of practice that is also under the guardianship of the National Association of Agricultural Educators is the Agricultural Communication & Leadership community of practice; I chose this community of practice because I have a profound interest in communications and leadership; I was even thinking of pursuing my Master’s in educational leadership; as I perused this community of practice, I noticed that Jennifer Wherley is the community’s facilitator. The online stakeholders exchanged ideas about lesson plans, and the orchestration of students’ websites for agricultural leadership classes. One stakeholder posted the question, “Does anyone have any suggestions on good sites where I can create and manage free websites? Her stakeholders replied to her inquiry by recommending Google Sites; one particular stakeholder in this community of practice also posted her email address for future contact with other stakeholders if necessary.

A job opportunity that interests me in this field that was located on the Agricultural Educator’s site is an agricultural science teacher position in Middletown, Connecticut. The position requires a parent educator to visit families to access their educational needs weekly; applicants also must be able to instruct families by using a Parents as Teacher model, and a Nurturing Skills curriculum ; applicants must meet specific qualifications or skills; they must have an associate degree in Education, Early Childhood Education, or Social Work; applicants also must have two or more years’ experience and be eligible for Parents as Teachers Model and Family Developmental Credential. Bilingual applicants are preferred.

The third community of practice that was under the guardianship of the National Association of Agricultural Educators was the Horiticulture/Greenhouse Management community of practice; stakeholders that exchanged information in this community of practice discussed Aquaculture, Hydroponic & Greenhouse Ideas, plant sales, plant reproduction unit ideas, how to repot plants, crop yield lessons, poinsettia schedules, and root, stem, leaf, and flower anatomy. I chose this community of practice because I love flowers and gardening and I particularly liked my botany class during my undergraduate studies.

A job opportunity that was available that was of interest to me is North Western Senior/ Junior high school Agricultural education teacher in Winsted, Connecticut; applicants must meet specific qualifications; they must be certified in vocational agriculture or agricultural education; they must be able to demonstrate the ability to work well with colleagues and young students; they also must meet knowledge proficiency in agricultural mechanics, natural resources, plant science, animal science, FFA, and SAEP; in addition, applicants must have the capacity to reflect and grow in their professional development, and handle the physical requirements of the job to obtain a Connecticut Public Service License.


{January 18, 2013}   Communities of Practice in ECE

The United States Department of Education is an organization that is now interested in implementing communities of practice to improve the achievement gap among children; particularly children that are at risk in certain communities (Hoekstra, 2011). Hoekstra (2011) found that in order to improve the achievement gap, educators must have larger avenues for sharing information with each other. In order to help educators communicate effectively with each other to improve educator and student performance; the US Department of Education is committed to “implementing” communities of practice as an initiative to improve academic performance of at risk students in certain communities. Promising neighborhoods is an organization that recognizes the importance of partnered or shared relationships with others in order to achieve greater student achievement. In fact, Hoekstra (2011) stated that exchanging information and establishing partnered relationships with others is critical for successful academic projects.

Promising neighborhoods have reported that several communities in the state of Georgia have reported improved academic achievement among students because of the implementation of communities of practice. As these communities of practice are able to meet to exchange information personally and via the web, they are able to eradicate challenges that need to be addressed in the state of Georgia, and opportunities that are also presented such as Federal investments in state longitudinal studies (Hoekstra, 2011).

Pete Bermudez, implemented a committee of practice for the University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning in the Miami Dade Public Schools area. Bermudez’s committee of practice also focuses on reducing the achievement gap while simultaneously improving the educational performance of educators Lastinger Center for Learning ,( n.d).Bermudez believes that the only significant avenue for reducing the achievement gap is engaging educators in constant reflection and analysis; Bermudez admits that school environments often do not champion collaboration among practitioners because educators rarely have sustained conversations with each other; educators are placed in a classrooms with little outside assistance from administrators; professional development is also viewed as punishment or remediation instead of professional growth. The Lastinger Center for Learning (n.d) concluded under the headship of Bermudez that mandatory workshops for educators is an effective practice that yields inadequate solutions. In workshops, educators are often spoken to, and are not consulted with. In a committee of practice, relationships are established so connections can be made; everyone is supported and valued as a participant.

One Hundred Black Men of Pensacola is an organization that constitutes a community of practice in order to eradicate social issues that plague the African American community in Pensacola Florida; their mission is to remain leaders in the community that continually provide reliable and consistent resources for African Americans in the community to attain a sustainable life now and in the future(100 Black men, 2013).

I chose Promising Neighborhoods, and the University of Florida Lastinger Center because as an educator; I have a profound interest in closing the achievement group among students that a high socioeconomic status and students that have a low socioeconomic status. I chose the One Hundred and One


Black men because I also have an interest in the social issues that afflict the African American community; as an African American, I can only be part of solution if I am aware of the issues.

A job opportunity that I am interested in that is currently not available is working with Pete Bermudez to ignite educational reform in Florida. Bermudez views educators as facilitators of knowledge, and educators can only incorporate change when they recognize that reality. Cynthia, an educator that works with high risk students in Chicago stated, “Before I had Pete’s training, I would do popcorn readings to the class; students would read a sentence or a paragraph, then I would editorialize everything as a teacher.” (Florida Lastinger Center for Learning, n.d). Cynthia’s rendition is similar to my teaching practice because I often find myself standing in front my classroom actively lecturing when students are passively listening. I want to help myself and other educators counteract this teaching mentality.

Another employment opportunity that I am interested in is an employment opportunity posted on the Department of Education website. The position is a job listing for an Education Program Specialist. The credentials that I need to have to perform this job competently are demonstrating the ability to create programs that reform current special education programs. I also need to be able to work well with others, be a US citizen, and relocate if necessary. I should also be able to pass a background check and a probationary period.

 Skills that I would need as an worker for the Department of Education/ Promising Neighborhoods is profound verbal and non-verbal skills, computer proficiency, leadership skills, five or more years of experience, and advanced or higher level degree.

Skills that Ineed to be a member of Lastinger Center for Learning is a higher level degree, extensive verbal and nonverbal communication skills, and 5 years or more experience in  education and educational leadership.

Skills I would need to fulfill the role as a member of One Hundred and One Black Men is to be a man; sadly, this organization only allows male members; I also would need an awareness of human and child development, and experience in research to research community resources and programs that can substantially improve the lives of African American families.


Hoeskstra, J. (2011). The promise of communities of practice. Retrieved from

Lastinger Center for Learning (n.d). professional development leader puts communities into practice. Retrieved from

One Hundred and One Black Men (2013). Mission statement. Retrieved from



{December 21, 2012}   Goodbye & Thank You!

An explanation of your most passionate hope for your future as an early childhood professional and for the children and families with whom you work or will work.

The most passionate hope that I have for myself as an early childhood educator is teaching children to appreciate similarities and differences. I want children to be able to stand up for themselves and others as they encounter prejudiced dispositions that discriminate or oppose others that are different. I want to empower children to take action to make unfair circumstances fair for individuals that are unfairly discriminated against. I hope to teach children that differences are or not weakness; they are strengths that should be loved and applauded; every child is unique and every child should be loved exactly as they are!

My hope for families that I encounter on my anti- bias journey is to be as inclusive and understanding as possible. I want to be respectful of their needs and honor them in my curriculum with every opportunity that presents itself. I want to be able to provide families with adequate resources that can improve their everyday circumstances when necessary.

I want to thank everyone for their support and love during my educational journey. Best wishes everyone!

{December 13, 2012}   Bangladesh

Share with your colleagues the area of the world you chose and why.

The country that I chose to examine is Bangladesh. I chose this demographic region because I am intrigued by Indian culture and the social ramifications Indian people are suffering in India.

Describe in detail some of the challenges that children in this region of the world are confronting.

Children in this region of the world are facing astronomical challenges. Disease is a common foe. Acute respiratory infections are the leading cause of death in Bangladesh. Sadly, 37 % of children that suffer from pneumonia are taken not to hospital for medical treatment because of their socioeconomic status.

Diarrhoea, is also another serious disease in Bangladesh; Diarrhoea is caused by poor water sanitation and affects the youngest children of Bangladesh more severely than adults; diarrhoea is spread when adults fail to wash their hands after preparing food, or after defecating or cleaning their babies. Oral rehydration therapy is a current treatment that is reducing the severity of diarrhoea in Bangladesh.


Immunizations help most children stay protected from most preventable disease, but access to medical support services in rural areas is limited; and most poor families that receive immunizations terminate immunization services after the first immunizations, which leaves their children unprotected


Currently, Polio and Avian influenza are on the rise in Bangladesh. Maternal death is also very common; women have a 1 and 110 chance of dying in childbirth because 85% of women give birth outside of health care institutions and only 24% of women are assisted by a trained professional when giving birth. Cultural barriers and traditions limit women’s availability to accessing maternal and newborn health services that can prevent maternal death.


Injury is also a threat to children’s survival in Bangladesh ; drowning is the leading cause of death in children between 1 and 4; drownings occur because children are often left unsupervised by adults. Other road injuries are road accidents, falls, burns, poisonings, and animal bites.


Explain how these experiences might have an effect on children’s emotional wellbeing and development.

Maternal death can impede secure attachment, and secure attachment is an important component for healthy social emotional development; poor maternal attachment can negatively affect children’s social emotional health and development.

Family risk factors such as poverty, substance abuse, and mental health conditions can impede the parent’s ability to support children psychological development, which can result in behavioral problems for young children as early as three years of age.

Young children that have high family risk factors are also more likely to suffer from aggression, anxiety, and depression.


Include a personal and professional reflection. Explain the insights you gained and the influences they may have on you as a person and as an early childhood professional.

An examination of the site taught me many insights. Education is free from primary aged children , but access to quality education is limited; vulnerable groups such as disabled children and indigenous children have limited high quality education experiences; only half of children in poverty attend school, which is a rate the is 18 % lower than the national average. Personally, examining the UNICEF’s website has made me appreciative of my home, and the health care services that are available to me in the United states. As a professional, examining UNICEF’s website has confirmed from me the value of an inclusive learning environment; every child has a unique experience; therefore, the learn environment should respect the fact the children have different timelines and ways of developing and each child varying ability, strength, or challenge should be viewed as a difference rather than a challenge.


{December 5, 2012}   The Sexualization of Childhood

Share your reaction to the topic of the sexualization of early childhood.


The sexualization of childhood is something that is very grotesque to me. While reading the article, my jaw hit the table on many of the facts that were presented throughout the article. I was completely dumbfounded by the fact that Victoria Secret sales thongs for children between the ages of eight and twelve. Why would retailers even market children in this age group for lingerie? Then, as I continued to read, I my heart went out to the nine year girl that wrote a love letter to her nine year old classmate. She begins the letter by saying, “I know that I am not the prettiest girl or the thinnest girl, but I want you to love me.” That statement alone broke my heart because girls associate their worth by their appearance. I can relate to how she feels because at an early age I learned that being pretty was more valuable than anything. I had extreme esteem issues because I did not look like the images presented to me on television. I think it is also equally as sad that girls think that they have to be loved by a man, or a significant other, to feel loved. I was watching a television program last night where a woman said, “I need a man to love me.” I thought to myself, “Why do you need a man to love you. You have to love yourself first, and then you can love someone else.


I also liked the fact the article mentioned that I children learning about sex and their sexuality is normal. Children are sexual beings and that is too celebrated; however, the article mentioned that children’s sexuality is not the problem; it is the sexualization of their childhood through the media, and advertisements, that are the problem. Quite simply, sexuality and sexualization are two different concepts.

“Sexualization has to do with treating other people as objects of sexual desire… as things rather than people with legitimate sexual feelings of their own. Sexualization causes children to equate their value with their sex appeal which can have very problematic outcomes.


Provide three or more examples, from your personal or professional experience, that further illustrate the exposure of young children to a highly sexualized environment.


When I was teaching one day, one of my first graders stated, “She sure does have a big booty!!!” as a transcribed a message on the board.


When I was over my boyfriend’s house one day, he came into the room and said, “I want to show you something. I followed him into the room and he typed in the web address for YouTube. A few minutes later, a video popped up of a group of children between the ages of five and eight that where at a party. The boys were grinding against the girls and the girls were popping their bottoms very suggestively against the males’ private parts. I was completely dumbfounded by this. Then I asked myself, “Where are the parents?” Then realization dawned. The parents are the ones filming the abomination!


My coworker communicated to me one day that her one of her male students told her to suck his private parts during an altercation one day.


Explain the implications this may have on children’s healthy development. Include ideas you might have, as an early childhood professional, to best respond to these concerns and to reduce the negative impact on children.

The sexualization of childhood causes children to be exposed to images of sexual behavior without emotion, attachment, or consequences (Levin & Kilbourne, 2009). Children learn to value sex without the emotions of love, respect, and friendship. Children also learn that sex is linked to violence, and their physical appearance is more valuable than intellect. The sexualization of childhood affects children’s gender identity, their sexual attitudes, and their values which can impede their ability to create satisfying and enjoyable relationships with others (Levin & Kilbourne, 2009). An idea that I have as an early childhood professional that best responds to these concerns and reduces the negative impact that over sexualization has on children is creating an environment where children are talk about the harmful images that children are observing on television because children need to be able to talk to trusted adults regarding sexual images that are confusing or frightening them (Levin & Kilbourne, 2009).


Describe the ways in which your awareness of the sexualization of early childhood has been influenced and/or modified by studying the topic this week.


My perception of the sexualization of childhood has been modified by studying this topic this week because I was unaware that child marketers use different marketing techniques to market different groups of children that have different demographics, although the ways in which children internalize these messages are very much the same because of the overly sexualized environment that exists indefinitely. In the same vein, the oversexualization of children is also based on gender, racial, socioeconomic status, and the individual dispositions of children.



Describe in detail the consequences you might expect for the children and families with whom you work while you experience specific “–ism(s)” in your own life. Include specific examples either those you have and/or are experiencing or ones you would anticipate.

The consequences that I anticipate for children and families as I experience sexism in my life are very colossal. For example, throughout my life I have often been exposed to sexist comments by male counterparts that critiqued my intellectual ability because of my sex. This has caused me to advocate for women’s rights and the tremendous injustices that victimize women in mainstream society. As a result of this foe, I do not think I will be supportive of families that have sexist ideologies regarding their children’s development. For example, if a family conveys their sexist remarks about their child’s ability, or conveys statements that reflect gender stereotyping; I cannot support this type of ideology as an anti- basis educator. As a result of experiencing gender stereotyping as a child, my cognitive development was strengthened. I was determined to prove that my ability to others to highlight the ignorance in their ideologies.

The consequences that I anticipate for children and families as I have experienced racism in my life are also very colossal. For example, my family and I often experienced racism in every aspect of our lives. Growing up, we lived in a predominantly Caucasian neighborhood. My siblings and I desired to develop interpersonal relationships with everyone; therefore, we acknowledged every peer group regardless of their ethnicity. As my siblings and I tried to enter various play groups, several of our Caucasian counterparts used racial slurs to convey their displeasure in interacting with us as play mates. As a result of my Caucasian counterparts calling my siblings and I racial slurs while we were younger; my cognitive development or my beliefs systems slowly began to alter; I immediately began to dislike Caucasian people because of the actions of a few. My emotional development was altered because I believed myself inferior to them because they viewed me inferior. I also began to dislike my skin tone because I believed that white was superior to black because society perpetrated that message.

My childhood experiences with racism will affect my interactions with children and families because I have zero tolerance for racism in my academic learning community. While perusing the text that accompanies the course, Sparks (2010) communicates that educators will encounter families that have racist viewpoints. Sparks (2010) suggests that as an anti-bias educator, the first professional action is to listen to the family and differentiate why the family has these viewpoints. Then, if the family persists in biased beliefs, the educator must convey his/her intolerance of racial prejudice.

Knowing my nature and personality, if I assessed that a child had racial prejudice, I would immediately try to get that child to eradicate his/her negative beliefs; however, readings from the course have conveyed that telling children that they are wrong is not a successful methodology that produces change. Educators must be willing to provide children and families with accurate understandings that produce eternal change in their belief systems.



Provide an account of your observation.

In Ms. Nelson’s classroom the children are behaving cantankerously. Spit balls are in the air, and children are whispering and giggling when Ms. Nelson has asked them to “settle down” in a tone that reflects a saccharine tone. The children ignore Ms. Nelson’s saccharine pleas, as the children continue to exhibit sacrilegious behavior. “They were even rude during story hour, and they even refuse to do their lessons.”  “Something will have to be done.” Ms. Nelson conveyed in voice that reflected a saccharine tone.

Describe what you noticed and learned.


I noticed that the children in Ms. Nelson’s room were behaving cantankerously. They were giggling and whispering when Ms. Nelson exhibited nothing but “sweetness”. They even drew contemptuous images of Ms. Nelson during story hour! They stood on their heads and squirmed and wiggled as they continued to make asinine choices. I learned that Ms. Nelson’s saccharine tone was also sprinkled with patience. She never lost her temper, but rather reflected passionately on what needed to be done.

Make connections between what you observed and the effective communication strategies presented in this week’s learning resources. What could have been done to make the communication more affirming and effective?

Ms. Nelson wanted to support the individualistic ideas of every child in her classroom. She also wanted every child to feel respected and grounded within themselves. An effective communication strategy that was presented in this week’s learning resource is to talk directly to children or babies. Ms. Nelson could have spoken directly to the children instead of talking at them. When children are indirectly spoken to, it discounts them as individuals. When children are directly spoken to, it validates them as individuals.


Share your thoughts with regard to how the communication interactions you observed may have affected the child’s feelings and/or any influences it may have had on the child’s sense of self-worth.


Ms. Nelson decides to teach her students a lesson for their cantankerous behavior. The next day, Ms. Viola Swamp emerges. Ms. Swamp stands before the classroom in an ugly black dress and says, “I am your new teacher, Ms. Viola Swamp” she said as she rapped the desk with a ruler. “Where is Ms. Nelson?” The children implored?” “Never mind that!” Ms. Viola Swamp snapped. “Open those arithmetic books!” Ms. Swamp growled as the children did what they were told. Ms. Swamp’s interactions with the children created an atmosphere of fear between the children and her. She demanded that the children keep their mouths shut, and if they misbehaved, they would be sorry.” Quite simply, treating the children as entities that that did not have the right to autonomy will incomparably alter their self-worth.


Offer insights on how the adult-child communication you observed this week compares to the ways in which you communicate with the children. What have you learned about yourself this week with respect to how well you talk with and listen to young children? In what ways could you improve?


The adult child communication that I observed this week strongly compares to the ways I communicate. When I communicate with children, I try to use a saccharine tone even if they children are behaving cantankerously. I learned that I also talk indirectly to children just as Ms Nelson did, and this can make children feel disvalued or insignificant. I can improve by speaking directly to a child by using their name (yes, sometimes I forget their names L)so the child can observe that he/she is valued as an individual. Quite simply, not speaking to children directly impedes responsive communication between the adult and the child.


{November 10, 2012}   Affirming Environments

Physical environment: The physical environment in my early childhood center would be manipulated to appreciate group interaction and socialization. Rectangular tables would be implemented into the learning environment to encourage children to construct and discovery knowledge together as they assimilate (new experiences are molded into fit into old ideas) or accommodate (olds ideas are restructured to accommodate new experiences) information. My justification for orchestrating the learning environment in a matter that allows children to sit together stems from Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory. I believe that children gain knowledge through guided participation of a more competent or skilled learner because learning takes place within a social context.

Family photos: The learning environment in my early childhood center would also contain family photos of each family present in my learning community. Family photos would be a part of my learning environment because they encourage the home school partnership. When families are connected to the learning community, families become visible instead of invisible. Family photos would include pictures of mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmothers, grandfathers, and family pets. Implementing family photos in early childhood center will allow children in the early childhood center to  appreciate cultural similarities and cultural differences by giving them the opportunity to learn about various cultures that are reflected /visualized in the learning community. For example, if a child’s family is Mexican, and photos of a Mexican family is apotheosized in the learning environment; children from other cultures can learn to value the cultural differences that Mexican children have instead of resisting or rejecting these differences.

Artifacts: The learning environment in my early childhood center would apotheosize artifacts of different cultures. These artifacts could be stories, poems, garments, quilts, blankets, recipes, or guest speakers, etc.  When artifacts of different cultures are apotheosized, children can value the cultural traditions and customs that are others cultures appreciate.

Children’s literature

In my early childhood center, various books from every domain would be acknowledged. For example, Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslea Newman, and Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson would be two pieces of children’s literature that acknowledges gay and lesbian partnerships. I would have these two books in my book library because they teach children that families can have a different structural composition other than the transitional family.

The Lady in the Box and Fly Away Home are pieces of children’s literature that I would use in my early childhood center. I would use this book in my center because it makes children aware of individuals that are affected by homelessness and encourages them to take action when action is needed. The book also teaches children to judge individuals for their character not their socioeconomic status.

I Love Hair! By Natasha Tarpley is another piece of children’s literature that I would implement in to my classroom library. This book helps children of every culture to explore the unique textures of African American hair.


Uncle Peter’s Chinese Wedding, by Lenore Look is another piece of children’s literature that I would include in my center because it familiarizes children with Chinese festivities and the significance of each custom presented.

Yoshi’s Feast, by Kimiko KajiKawa is a folklore that teaches the value of sharing. Yoshi loves to eat broiled eels, but is not willing to with his neighbor Sabu.


Dramatic play Area: A dramatic play area would be present in my early childhood center. It would consists of cooking utensils that value various cultures as such as a Bamboo Asian spoons, soup bowls, spatulas, pots, chopsticks, a play stove, refrigerator, lunch and dinner menus, plastic food items, Bamboo mats, different serving trays for each culture, dresses, men shirts, pants, coats, hats, scarves, high heeled shoes, scarves,  A dramatic play area is a necessary in my early childhood environment because it gives children an opportunity to socialization as they construct their own knowledge. Children are also able to take on roles that mimic the lives of adult realities.

Art center: An art center would be present in my early childhood center because young children must have ample time to construct their own imaginations as free-lance artist. My supplies would include paint, colored paper, paint brushes, crayons, markers, glue, and scissors. An art center is essential in my center because children need creative experiences that allow them to construct and express their own imaginations. Art also helps to improve hand and eye coordination, and fine motor skills.

Sand center

A sand center will be implemented in my early childhood center because it encourages open play; children’s play will not be directed or structured. Sand play also encourages social, cognitive, and social skills, and presents numerous opportunities for children to use their imaginations. Playing in the sand also gives children the opportunity to use their senses as they discover new textures and smells.


Blocks such as logos and wooden blocks will be implemented into my learner center because they encourage young children to move extremities that help control their body. When children play with blocks, their hand and eye coordination improves. Their ability to hold and grasp objects also improves.

 Soft place mats will be implemented into my early childhood center because they protect children’s extremities while they play freely. Children often experience unfortunate calamities; therefore, cushioned place mats will terminate their unfortunate misfortunes.

Dolls: every type of doll will be championed. Children will be given the opportunity to play with African Americans dolls, Chinese dolls, Caucasians dolls, and other dolls that represent various other cultures. Dolls that have different eye color, skin color, and hair textures will be apotheosized in my early learning center. I also will have dolls that represent exceptionalities as well. Dolls are necessary in the early learning center because they encourage children to take on adult roles as they play socially with others. Persona dolls will also be used to help children understand the harm the effects of bias and discrimination. Persona dolls are useful in the early childhood learning environment because they help children problem solve as they orchestrate solutions.


Puzzles will also be used in my early learning center. I personally like jigsaw puzzles because they amplify children’s cognitive development and encourage socialization as children manipulate together freely.

Ideas from the video that I would implement in my early learning center are a meet and greet room. When children arrive in my center, I want parents and educators to have the opportunity to engage if necessary. These actions encourage the home school partnership by allowing educators to speak with parents as children arrive. Parents can also speak with parents regarding their own concerns if needed.

I also would implement a sleeping room for infants and toddlers, and a daily schedule. A daily schedule will help create structure and routine for the children, and will also inform parents of activities that occur throughout the day.

Displays will also be implemented in the early childhood learning environment because they give children positive reminders throughout the day. For example, the sleep room is for sleeping, and the classroom library is for reading and perusing books quietly. Displays in the early learning center will also apotheosize children from every culture and ethnicity. Exceptional children will also be displayed in order to help children appreciate the unique differences of others.





et cetera